Program Members
Abuse Alternatives, Inc.
AGAPE Morning Star Sanctuary
Avalon Center Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Program
Branch House Family Justice Center
Bridges Domestic Violence Center
Center of Hope
Change is Possible (CHIPS) Family Violence Shelter
Chattanooga Hamilton County Family Justice Center
Claiborne County Family Justice Center
Community Health of East Tennessee, Inc.
Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Center
Families in Crisis, Inc.
Family Justice Center of Anderson County
Family Lifeline
Family Resource Agency/Harbor Safe House & Advocacy Center
Family Safety Center of Memphis & Shelby County
Fayette Cares
Genesis House, Inc.
Haven House, Inc.
Haven of Hope, Inc.
Helen Ross McNabb, Sexual Assault Center of East Tennessee
HomeSafe, Inc.
Houses of Hope, Inc.
Infinite Possibilities
Iva’s Place
KTG Foundation
Metro Office of Family Safety
Monroe County Health Council – Monroe STOPe
Nashville Children’s Alliance
Partnership for Families, Children & Adults
Safe Haven Cheatham County
Scott County Shelter Society
Sexual Assault Center
Shelby County Crime Victims & Rape Crisis Center
The H.O.P.E. Center, Inc.
The Mary Parrish Center
The Shelter, Inc.
The Women’s Advocacy Center
Trust Yourself
United Methodist Urban Ministries SafeHouse Domestic Violence Shelter
University of TN Health Science Center College of Nursing
Women Are Safe, Inc.
WRAP Wo/Men’s Resource & Rape Assistance Program
YWCA – Knoxville and TN Valley
YWCA – Memphis
YWCA – Nashville
Allied Agency Members
Bowdoin Recovery Services, LLC.
Coffee County Drug Court Foundation
Community Alliance for the Homeless
disABILITY Resource Center
Hendersonville Police Department
Legal Aid Society of Middle TN and the Cumberlands
Montgomery County Adult Court Services
Planned Parenthood of Tennessee & North Mississippi
Our Kids Center
Resilience for Advocates through Foundational Training (RAFT)
Stepping Out, Inc. M.E.N. Managing Emotions Nonviolently
Tennessee Trial Lawyers Association
Tennessee Voices
College Consortium Members
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Corporate Members
Alignment Nashville
Tennessee Correctional Services West, Inc.
Membership Benefits – Stronger Together
Established in 1983 as a nonprofit organization, the Tennessee Coalition serves as a beacon of hope, help, and healing for survivors of domestic and sexual violence across the state of Tennessee. As a member of the Coalition, you are an integral partner in our mission to end domestic and sexual violence across our state. Members are part of an elite group of individuals and programs that share the common vision of ending violence in the lives of Tennesseans.
Membership in the Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence provides a meaningful connection to the movement to eradicate domestic violence, sexual violence, and stalking in your community and across the state. Stand with survivors and join today, because ending violence takes all of us.
Individual Membership
Individual Membership is open to anyone who supports the mission and work of TCEDSV. If you are a professional in the field, please connect with your organization about program or allied membership.
Individual Membership Benefits
Membership dues: $25 annually
- Public policy presence at the state and national levels
- Public policy alerts and legislative updates during legislative sessions
- Quarterly TCEDSV newsletter
- Access to free monthly webinars
- Annual Conference discount
- An exclusive digital membership badge to display on your email signature or social media platforms
Program Membership
Program Membership is for any program or organization whose primary purpose is to provide direct services to adult and child survivors of domestic and/or sexual violence. Examples include domestic violence shelters, rape crisis centers, family justice centers, child abuse agencies and human trafficking agencies.
Membership dues are based on the operating budget of the agency:
- $100 for organization budget $100,000 or less
- $200 for organization budget $100,001-$300,000
- $400 for organization budget $300,001-$500,000
- $600 for organization budget greater than $500,000
Program Membership Benefits
- Free statewide, onsite, and online training, including access to training archives
- Technical assistance and support
- Access to publications and manuals
- Free TCEDSV materials upon request
- Access to Member Only listserv
- Access to Affinity Group Meetings (Executive Director’s Roundtable, Advocate’s Roundtable, Sexual Assault Directors TA, Domestic Violence Directors TA, Finance TA, New Directors TA, , Membership Advisory Committee)
- Representation on the Coalition’s public policy committee
- Public policy presence at the state and national levels
- Public policy alerts and legislative updates during legislative sessions
- Quarterly TCEDSV newsletter
- Annual Conference discount
- An exclusive digital membership badge to display on your email signature or social media platforms
- Free job postings on TCEDSV’s website
- Member program spotlights in newsletter and/or social media
- Acknowledgement on TCEDSV’s Annual Report and website
Allied Membership
Allied Agency Membership is for allied nonprofit, faith-based, advocacy and government organizations that support the mission and work of TCEDSV.
Allied Agency Membership Benefits
Membership dues: $100 annually
- Public policy presence at the state and national levels
- Public policy alerts and legislative updates during legislative sessions
- Quarterly TCEDSV newsletter
- Access to free online trainings and monthly webinars
- Annual Conference discounts
- Free job postings on the Coalition’s website
- Acknowledgement on TCEDSV’s Annual Report and website
College Consortium Membership
Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic & Sexual Violence (TCEDSV) established the College Consortium to address sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, and stalking on Tennessee’s college and university campuses. The Consortium is a statewide network of college staff and other professionals that works collectively to prevent violence and respond to the needs of student survivors on Tennessee campuses.
College Consortium Membership Benefits
Membership dues: $500 annually
- Access to free online prevention training for students and staff
- Representation on TCEDSV’s Prevention State Leadership Team.
- Review and feedback of campus policy, curriculum, and other prevention and response efforts.
- Quarterly TCEDSV and Prevention newsletters
- Annual Conference discount
- An exclusive digital membership badge to display on your email signature or social media platforms
Corporate Membership
Corporate Members demonstrate their commitment to ending rape and abuse in the lives of Tennesseans by sustaining the mission of TCEDSV.
Membership dues are based on the number of corporate employees:
- Small Business – (1-49 employees) $500
- Corporate Silver – (50-100 employees) $1,000
- Corporate Gold – (101-300 employees) $2,500
- Corporate Platinum – (300+ employees) $3,000
Corporate Membership Benefits
- Access to free Domestic Violence in the Workplace training
- Assistance in developing workplace policies that support survivors of domestic and sexual violence
- Access to public policy briefings
- Annual Conference discount
- An exclusive digital membership badge to display on your email signature or social media platforms
- Corporate Member Spotlights in newsletter and/or social media
- Acknowledgement in the Coalition’s Annual Report and website
Terms of Membership
All membership must be renewed annually. Applications for membership can be made at any time, and the membership year runs January 1- December 31st. For questions about membership, please contact our Director of Membership, Kristina Calvin, at