Join us in our mission to end domestic and sexual violence by becoming a Coalition member or making a donation to help keep our services going.
Get Help
Find agencies across Tennessee that can help with emergency housing, legal advocacy, counseling, and other services for survivors of violence.
Our Work
Find out more about the Coalition’s work all across Tennessee, including our legal clinics, legislative advocacy, education & training, and emergency assistance for survivors.
Covid-19 Update
Our number one priority is the safety and well-being of our community. In an effort to do our part to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in the community, we will be implementing measures that we feel are necessary to protect the health and safety of our clients and staff.
Out of an abundance of caution for all Coalition clients and staff, we have instituted full-time remote work until further notice.
We will still be available via phone call at 615 386-9406 and will continue to provide financial and legal services for survivors and technical assistance for advocates and programs. We will continue to monitor the situation and ensure that survivors are able to receive services.
Click here for COVID-19 resources available across the state.
Nuestra primera prioridad es la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestra comunidad. Nosotros también queremos aportar a la lucha contra la rápida propagación de COVID-19 en nuestra comunidad y, por lo tanto, vamos a implementar ciertos cambios que creemos que son necesarios para proteger la salud y la seguridad de nuestros clientes y nuestros empleados.
Por razones de mayor precaución y con el fin de proteger a los clientes y empleados de la Coalición, hemos adoptado un sistema de trabajo remoto hasta nuevo aviso.
Seguiremos estando disponibles por medio de llamadas telefónicas (615-386-9406) y no habrá interrupción en los servicios legales y financieros a sobrevivientes, o la asistencia técnica para asesores y programas. Continuaremos a monitorear la situación y asegurar que sobrevivientes puedan recibir servicios por nuestra parte.
Presioné aquí para ver los recursos disponibles en todo el estado para la gente afectada por COVID-19
The Coalition’s work is made possible in part because of support from the Women’s Fund of East Tennessee. Learn more at
The Tennessee Coalition is honored to be a member of Community Shares. Please consider assisting the Coalition and Community Shares by way of donation or implementing workplace giving within your organization. The Coalition can by found by using the ID number 11021 here.
Membership expired December 31, so renew today! For as low as $25, individuals can join the Coalition to stand up for the rights of survivors and join our work to prevent and end violence in Tennessee.